The Pipe Club celebrating International Pipe Smoking Day at De La Concha Tobacconist.
Howdy folks, It's hard to believe that Fall came and went and so did Winter and we're finally enjoying, albeit a tad late, Spring weather. For those who follow this blog you've noticed that I've been absent the past few months. Well I decided to rectify that and bring you up to speed with all the happenings in the pipe and cigar world.
The NY Pipe Club introduced, to much success, the four signature club blends at the Chicago show earlier in May of 2012. They were well received and we've had positive reviews from the pipe smoking community on them. A pat on the back goes to Bill Roberts and Dan Silverstone for their work on the verbiage and tin art that adorns our blends.
Meetings and more meetings. Since the last post we've had meetings in November, December, January, February, March, April and this past Tuesday May 14th, 2013. A wonderful time was had by all and plenty of pictures were taken. Also on December 8th, 2012 (solemn day for this blogger, was my late mom's birthday and also the date that singer John Lennon was killed) we attended the Kaywoodie Pipe event in Peekskill NY at the Kaywoodie Pipe factory. This was the first time I had the pleasure of attending this event and took part in the sanctioned slow smoking contest. I surprised myself by finishing in the top 20. Not bad for someone's first time. It was a fun event and I am already looking forward to attending this event this year. Lots of food and drink to be had and there were a few vendors, Steve Monjure being one of them. For those not familiar with the slow smoking contest here's how it works. Every participant is given a pipe, all the same shape, 3ozs pipe tobacco (this year was the John Cotton throw down Winner) 2 matches and a wooden dowel to be used as the tamper. We're then given 5 minutes to pack our pipes then the fun begins. Everyone then, using one of the matches, lights their pipe and the smoking commences. There are monitors and judges floating thru the room to ensure that all a playing by the rules. Once your pipe has gone out you raise your hand and the judges record your name and the time that you went out. The winner this year went well over an hour. He got to move on to the national slow smoking contest held at the Chicago show. As always a fun time was had by all.
As soon as Kaywoodie was still fresh in everyone's mind we had our last meeting of 2012, and our second meeting at Circa Tabac, on Tuesday December 11th, 2012. We're slowly settling into our new home and hopefully we're here to stay.
2013 finally arrived and we had our first meeting of the new year at Circa Tabac We learnt that one of our members Z was dealing with some severe health issues. We raised many a bowl in his honor. Wishing him a speedy recovery. Also at this meeting we had a number of new members including a few women who've taken to the hobby (great to see that their are women pipe smokers).
Meetings continued at Circa Tabac in February. We also celebrated International Pipe Smoking Day at De La Concha Cigar Shop in NYC on Saturday February 23rd, 2013 and we then went to Merchant's where we once again hosted Peder Jeppesen who brought more of his wonderful pipes to show and also sell to those who were interested. I also stopped by Midtown Cigar on the official day of International Pipe Smoking Day to raise a bowl ion the official day and was entered their raffle to win a pipe and 6ozs of pipe tobacco. Needless to say I was the winner of a nice Savinelli pipe, a tobacco pouch and 6ozs of their bulk tobaccos. March and April (missed that one as I was in Jamaica celebrating my grandmother's 101st birthday). I was able to attend the May meeting which happened this past Tuesday May 14th, 2013. A fun time was had and we announced the date for our annual summer picnic. This year, as it was last year, it'll be at Hank Saatchi's place in NJ on Saturday July 13th, 2013. Also tried the new La Flor Dominicana cigar with the Claro wrapper (for those not familiar with this cigar the wrapper that goes on this cigar is green in color). I will post a review of this cigar at a later date.
A lot to digest, but as they say a picture is worth a thousand words you can check out all the pictures from the past meetings and events on the New York Pipe Club website.
This blogger is stepping back into the real world with the sounds of Patsy Cline singing Crazy and looking forward to that first bowl of the day. Not sure if it'll be a Virginia blend or an English blend. I should close by saying I'll keep an ear to the pipe and cigar ash to see if anything new springs up. Keep on smoking those pipes.